The park

Had a very nice ride tonight, the weather was pleasant and I really did not want to go. I am catching a cold and I HATE being sick! I went out to legion park, and ended up taking a road past the middle school which lead to a massive monster biker eating hill…I made it nearly to the top! Not sure how far I went as my phone was dead….but did about 30min.


I have not ridden since Thursday, and I am feeling really depressed right now…I think part of it is that i haven’t been goo g out riding. The other part is I am feeling just like a failure in other aspects of my life….sorry this post is not as bike related….on the plus side I AM going tomorrow!

Wet n mild

Well it was rainy today and rather cool…but it had let up with a slight drizzle. So I decided to go for a ride anyways, lol, only made it about a half mile because my feet kept slipping off the pedals. Also, I need bike shorts as jeans are not omfy to ride in, as well as a light rain shell would be nice. I want to eventually go with clip shoes and pedals as well…but the main thing is that I still went out and tried to ride!

Fat man don’t roll up hills

I did NOT want to go out this evening after the dinner I ate..but I realized that it had been awhile since I last rode. Omg did I feel it! Decided to explore and try a new route and ended up getting lost and found myself at the bottom of a big hill..I made it over half way up so I was proud of myself, but realized I was lost and it took me about 5 min to figure out where I was……long story short only did about 1.5in 20 mins 😦 but learned I need to be more consistent about going out to ride.

Eau Claire

Ugh, the last few days were very long! We went back up to Eau Claire to clean the old place and it turned into a a multi-day event!! I am tired and sore in places that I should not be sore in…..I don’t think I am going to be able to get my third ride in this week but Jen made a deal with me if I do a 4th next week. My mom also picked me up a trailer for Aaron at a garage sale, so I think getting that 4th one in might be a bit more fun!


To the park

So thanks to the helpful motivation of my wife I got out today! I decided to try a new route and did 1.85 though I thought  it would be a full two but that’s ok. I learned that unlike an ellipticals every mile is very different! It was a big struggle at first and I did have to stop a couple of times but i made it! In other news guess who can has dropped a shirt size? 😀